CILV’s 1600-Hour Cosmetology Program

CILV’s Cosmetology Program is a 1600-hour, comprehensive training program with combined theory and practical application. As a cosmetology student, you’ll receive personal instruction for the entire duration of the course. By the time you’re ready to graduate, you’ll not only know the theory and the skills required to be a successful cosmetologist, but you will have practiced them enough times to be  confident and well-skilled doing the work.

Cosmetology Program Course Topics

As a student in our Cosmetology program, you’ll also learn career development, reception and management training, and a variety of additional career-oriented salon skills necessary to ensure long-term success in the beauty industry. At CILV, we strive to do more than just educate our students, we follow the 3 P’s of our mission: Provide, Prepare, and Promote.

Request more information, or if you’re ready to take the first step: